Open F2F Class Notes 4th January (Tony)


-ish – having the same qualities as, or being like…

“She was wearing a purpleish pink sweater.” “He was too selfish to share his dinner.” (Not exactly the same -ish, but similar meaning) “The meeting usually starts around 7:30 -ish.”

shell – a hard outside layer, protecting the thing inside

eg: “Crabs have a hard shell and two pincher claws.” “He had over ten shell companies, but his major company still failed.”


selfish – Sell fish

shellfish – SHel-fish

Writing exercise

Original –

Yesterday when I was working on the report, my boss asked me to go out with him for a talk. He told me he was going to resign tomorrow and asked me whether I had a plan for the future at work. If I wanted to handle a brand standalone, he would recommend me to his boss. As my English is not good, I am very scared to have a meeting with global team. When I sat my seat, I felt that a group of stress was pressing me. And as I was keeping thinking this thing, I didn’t focus my attention on the work. Yesterday was a bad day, I can estimate I will be busy from now on and have lots of stress

Correction –

Yesterday when I was working on a report, my boss asked me to go out with him for a talk. He told me he was going to resign tomorrow and asked me whether I had a plan for the future at work. If I wanted to handle a brand by myself, he would recommend me to his boss. Since my English is not that great, I’m a little scared to have a meeting with the global team. When I sat down, I felt a little stress. And as I kept thinking about that, I didn’t focus on the work. Yesterday was a bad day, I can guess I’ll be busy from now on and have lots of stress.