Open F2F Class Notes 30th June (Jesse)

eckhart tolle – the power of now

anthony robbins – awaken the giant within

milestonemost influential factor / the biggest thing 

i registered for a course 

in some certainin some ways / in certain situations 

a – don’t say “e” 

refused turned it down 

tool – pronounce the “L”

my life is ruled by money = governed by money 

“it’s a no-brainer” – it’s obvious

give u preference – to treat you as the preferred party 

Our team was the last one to finish the first game. I don’t know why, and I don’t understand why other teams could complete the game so quickly. Maybe the members in our team is not smart enough? Or there’re super smart people in other teams? I doubt. Maybe we just didn’t analyze the situation of the game, and decided how to resolve it, rather just got start doing.
Finally, with someone’s help, we finished the task. Then we received our formal tasks, we need to find all the things in the 8 pictures and took photoes with them. There’re also some intelligence tasks.
Our team was the last one to finish the first game but I don’t know why, and I don’t understand why the other teams could complete the game so quickly. Maybe the members in our team are not smart enough? Or there’re super smart people in other teams? I doubt it. Maybe we just didn’t analyze the situation of the game or decide how to resolve it, but rather, we just got started doing it. (instead of preparing for it, we just jumped right in)
Finally, with someone’s help, we finished the task. Then we received our formal tasks, which were that we needed to find all the things in the 8 pictures and took photos with them. There were also some intelligence tasks that we needed to complete.