Open F2F Class notes 30th July (Eddie)

the weekend is a good way – the weekend is a good time

The reason why I’m later – The reason I was late


genre = category of movie / music / literature

reality TV show

fiction / non fiction

God = the Christian god
god = deity

God works in mysterious ways.

The Roman god of war, Mars […].

The Legend and the Hero


stop-motion animation =

I believe that today walking on the street in  this damn weather is totally a torture. The leafs on the tree along the two side street are looked parched. It’s hot as inferno. As if that wasn’t enough, there is a mosiquito bite by my face on the way from home to school and a ungly shape appear on my face immediately. What a terrible day !The sun is so violent and it blazes down from a cloudless sky. The blacktop is almost smoking, which it is feeling for us like being put into a hot oven. The weather just started two weeks ago and there is no end in sight…

Walking on the street in  this (damn) weather is a total torture. The leaves on the trees along the two sides of the street look scorched. It’s hot as inferno. As if that wasn’t enough, I got bitten in the face by a mosquito on my way from home to school and an ugly spot appeared on my face immediately. What a terrible day! The sun is so violent and it blazes down from a cloudless sky. The blacktop is almost smoking, which makes us feel like we are in a hot oven. The heat hit two weeks ago and there is no end in sight…

heat wave =