Open F2F Class Notes 29th November (Raph)


Procrastination (n): 1- the act or habit of procrastinating, or putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate attention.
She was smart, but her constant procrastination led her to be late with almost every assignment

Master (v): 1- to acquire complete knowledge or skill in a subject, technique, or art.
He had a natural talent that made it easy for him to master the art of dance.

Bestseller (n): 1- a book or other product that sells in very large numbers.
Her autobiography is an international bestseller

Terrorism (v): 1- the unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation to instill fear and achieve political goals.
The fight against terrorism is one of the world’s biggest challenges.

Campaigner (n): 1- a person who works in an organized and active way towards a goal. 2- a person who fights for a certain cause.
Human rights campaigners are furious at the government’s decision.