Open F2F Class Notes 28th November (Raph)



We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your sincere and frank presentation about the role of Head of PDU. We all thought it was intelligent, motivate and inspiring, and it’s our generation’s honor to hear a career presentation about this high position.
We believe that after listening to you last Friday, all of us could:
* get to know the heavy work as a Head of PDU;
* realize the importance to find the work which really excite us;
* have more confidence in our PDU since everything is under arrangement;
* become higher cohesion, as the delivery of products with high quality is our highest priority because we combines and represent with our PDU.
For all of the above, please accept a warm and heartfelt Thank You on behalf of everybody who was in the audience that day and who was inspired and energized by your speech.


We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your outstanding and sincere presentation. It was an intelligent, motivating and inspiring speech, and  we would like to thank you for showing us some more about the world of a Head of PDU
We believe that after listening to you last Friday, we all could:
* get to know the heavy and complex work of a Head of PDU;
* realize the importance of finding work that really excites us;
* have more confidence in our PDU, since everything is under arrangement;
* become more cohesive in our common goal of delivering high quality  products and representing our PDU in the best possible way.
For all of the above, please accept a warm and heartfelt Thank You on behalf of everybody who was in the audience that day and who was inspired and energized by your speech.