Open F2F Class Notes 27 June (Peter)
I had come to here – I had come here
It was not as popular as before – It is not as popular as before
The idea suddenly came out – the idea suddenly came to me
Expatriate (Expat) – someone who does not live in their country of citizenship
Replace – to take something else’s place instead
Inactive – someone or something that does nothing
Ex. Most young people are very active on WeChat but pretty inactive on WeiBo.
User-friendly – easy to use
Ex. WeChat is very user-friendly.
Website Traffic – online traffic to a website
Idiom – a phrase that means something different than its literal meaning, 成语
Lining – the edge of something
Optimistic – assuming the best, 乐观
Pessimistic – assuming the worst, 悲观
The phrase where have you been means “why has it been such a long time since I have seen you?”
To have something pop into your head means to think of something randomly and suddenly.
To beat around the bush means to say something indirectly, or to be scared to say something directly.
Ex. Stop beating around the bush, just tell me why you’re upset. (Please just be straightforward and say what you mean)
Don’t judge a book by its cover mean that you shouldn’t judge something primarily on appearance.
When people say every cloud has a silver lining, they mean that there is a good part of every bad situation and you should be optimistic.
Instead (in-STED)
Lining (LIE-ning)
About 5 years ago, WeiBo was very popular with young people and middle-age people. It seemed that everyone had one account, and they could browed the news, published some information to the Weibo or chatted with friends. The young people used to get information from WeiBo rather than traditional medial- Newspaper. I remembered that if I wanted to get today’s news, I would browed Weibo first, it would published the hottest news and sought the backdrop at the fastest speed. But as time goes by, Weibo was not as popular as before. Some people have not browed it and updated information on their homepage for a long time. But it is also have some people to use it to publish information.
About 5 years ago, WeiBo was very popular with young and middle-aged people. It seemed that everyone had an account, and they could browse the news, publish information or chat with friends. Young people used to get information from WeiBo rather than traditional media such as newspapers. I remember that if I wanted to get the news, I would browse Weibo first, because I knew that that was where the hottest news was and context was given at the fastest speed. But as time went by, Weibo stopped being as popular as before. Many people have not logged on and updated information on their homepage in a long time, although some people to use it to publish information.
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