Open F2F Class Notes 27 June (Peter)
Not enough good – not too good
Limited resource – limited resources
Next Friday – last Friday
Make others’ life better – make others’ lives better
Follow their heart – follow their hearts
One of his audience quit her job – one of his audience members quit her job
Rethought – reconsidered (took a step back)
You can deliver amazing speech – You can deliver amazing speeches
Idioms – a phrase that means something different than its literal meaning
Problematic – potential to create problems or issues
The difference between “so” and “really” is that we use the word “so” in front of adjectives, and the word “really” in front of either adjectives or verbs.
Ex. I’m really tired = I’m so tired. I really regret it ≠ I so regret it.*
*Note: these are the rules of spoken, modern-day English.
Verb Nominalization – to create a noun by adding “ing” to the end of a verb. We try to avoid this because it can make sentences unclear and messy, since “ing” verbs can be both verbs and nouns.
Ex. The expanding (nominalized) of China’s economy is impressive vs. the expansion of China’s economy (not nominalized) is impressive.
Ex. America’s interfering in Middle Eastern politics is problematic vs. America’s interference in Middle Eastern politics is problematic.
Taking a step back means to pause and think about something.
Ex. I’m a little nervous about quitting, I think I’ll just take a step back and think about it.
To run into someone means to meet up with someone without planning (spontaneously).
Ex. Guess who I just ran into on the metro? Obama!
To beat around the bush means to be indirect, to be scared to say something directly.
Ex. Stop beating around the bush, tell me what you means. (Just be direct, say what you mean)
The phrase actions speak louder than words refers to the fact that talking about doing something is not as powerful as simply doing it.
To give someone your blessing means to give someone your approval or permission.
Ex. Mom, don’t worry, I won’t marry her without your blessing.
The phrase costs an arm and a leg is used to describe something ridiculously expensive.
To let the cat out of the bag means to reveal a secret, or previously unknown information.
Ex. Why is she angry, didn’t she know he was cheating on her before? –No, but he just let the cat out the bag.
Salted (“AL” sounds like “all”) vs. Sorted (“OR” sounds like “or”)
Metamorphosis (met-uh-MORE-fiss-iss)
Skills (short “I” sounds as in “big”) vs. Scales (“A” as in “rail”) vs Scares (make sure the “R” is clear)
Our TMC changed the office team in today’s meeting, and our previous president gave his discharge speech which impressed all the people. However, I left the meeting earlier because of project issue. I so….. regret, because I heard that his speech was so amazing and touching . He shared the experience of being a president, and his disease, which he suffered for a year. People were impressed by his fighting with disease, and he still arranged each meeting with his best effort. It said that several girls cried. I felt so sad because I missed the most important part of the meeting ever. Leave me alone, I need to think!
Our TMC changed the office team in today’s meeting, and our previous president gave his discharge speech which impressed everyone. However, I left the meeting earlier because of my project issue. I really…regret it, because I heard that his speech was so amazing and touching. He shared the experience of being a president, and his disease, which he suffered from for a year. People were impressed by his fight with the disease, and he still arranged each meeting with his best effort. It’s said that several girls cried. I felt so sad because I missed the most important part of the meeting ever. Leave me alone, I need to think!
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