Open F2F Class Notes 25th July (Harmony)
bronze – golden brown
- The Olympic medals are gold, silver and bronze.
I also by subway – you also go by subway?
Hostel: a cheaper hotel, you might stay with strangers and have a common bathroom.
Suite/ensuite (sweet): one separate room, normally with a bathroom.
I planned went to macau with my friends – I planned to go to Macau with my friends.
Their visa were out of time – their visa expired/ their visas were expired.
700 CAD – 3500 RMB round trip
Tourism is getting more and more important in our lives. Some people like to travel because they want to rest. Some people like to travel because they want to know different countries. Therefore, a lot of travel website appeard.
I usually choose Ctrip when I am going to have a trip as it is a big company in China and it always offers lower price about airtickets and hotels than other companies, such as booking and tripadvise.
Thanks Harmony for recommending me so nice website like hostel. I will look up the information next time.
Tourism is getting more and more important in our lives. Some people like to travel because they want to rest. Some people like to travel because they want to know/see/experience different countries. Therefore, a lot of travel websites (have) appeared.
I usually choose Ctrip when I am going to have/ planning a trip, as it is a big company in China and it always offers lower priced air tickets and hotel bookings than other companies. Such as and trip adviser.
Thank you Harmony for recommending such a nice website to book hostels. I will look up the information next time.
tourism: the industry of tourists’/tour guides.
Therefore/so/because of this **transition words***
Recommend: to advise someone to try something.
Eg. I recommended the website to Angela.
Eg. Angela recommended that I try this restaurant.
TBC… To be continued.
Eg. They will have poor grades (A,B,C,F)
Eg. They will not keep up with others/the others./ they will fall behind the others.
Eg. In China after school time is spent doing…..
Starting from/since
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