Open F2F Class Notes 24th June (Daniel)

Sick day – absent job due to sickness

Under the weather – a little bit sick

It’s not going anywhere.

Autonomy – power of making decision

Multi-tasking – deal with more than one thing at same time

Golden mean – Confucius philosophy

Visiting nature museum

I exchanged 2 tickets of Shanghai Nature Museum using my company performance motivation points. I think it is a good opportunity for me to enjoy my weekends, so l invited my parents and grandmother, and I bought 3 tickets for them after I made sure they will be free.

I think family and job are both most important things in my life. Actually, I spent more time on work and got a good reputation from boss and clients. I enjoy the sense of achievement. But maybe I need to pay more attention to my family. Work changes sometime but family never changes. I am looking forward to visit the nature museum, I am interested in Mother Nature and maybe I will like a student eager to learn.