Open F2F Class Notes 23 June (Peter)
Childrenhood – childhood
Play jokes on others – make jokes at other people’s expense
Fresh the page – refresh the page
I don’t have the problem – I don’t have any problem OR (if talking about a specific problem) I don’t have that problem
Nostalgia – fond memories of the past
Nostalgic – something that makes your remember the past fondly
Gender Roles – the roles that society expects men and women to do
Ex. Gender roles in Chinese society expect that the man makes more money.
Sex – male or female
Patriarchy – a society in which men hold power
Matriarchy – a society in which women hold power
He was completely insane.
Petty – when talking about thing, it means unimportant; when talking about people, it means someone who cares a lot about something unimportant (negative)
Prank – (verb or noun) a trick that gets someone into doing something embarrassing.
Train of thought – the way or direction that someone is thinking.
Pros and Cons = goods and bads
Journal (make sure it doesn’t sound like “journey”)
Written (a short “I” sound like in “rip”)
Matriarchy (MAY-tree-are-kee)
Patriarchy (PAY-tree-are-kee)
Shanghai attracts more and more young people working and living here including me. As there are a large number of international companies gathering here, which means more jobs opportunities, better skills learning environment and higher salary bases. Moreover I can also eat diverse kinds of food and visit many interesting stores. However it also means in order to survive in Shanghai I have to accept the fact that I have to stay far away from my family, work longer and harder to achieve the goal settling down in shanghai and making more money to lead a high quality life.
Shanghai attracts more and more young people who are looking for work, including me. There are a large number of international companies gathering here, which means more jobs opportunities, better skill-learning environments, and higher salary bases. Moreover, I can also try many diverse kinds of food and visit many interesting stores.
Original: However, it also means that in order to survive in Shanghai, I have to accept the fact that I have to stay far away from my family, work longer and harder to achieve the goal of settling down in shanghai and making more money to lead a high quality life.
Option: However, it also means that in order to survive in Shanghai, I have to accept the fact that I must live far away from my family and work longer, harder hours in order to achieve my goal of settling down and making enough money to live a high-quality life.
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