Open F2F Class Notes 20th July (Harmony)
In the toilet – in the bathroom/ in the restroom/in the powder room
Powder room: a guest bathroom with just a toilet and a sink. – a room to powder your nose.
- More polite than saying “she’s going pee”
Port – the place where boats dock (park) in order to unload old goods and load new goods
Dock: (noun) the physical wooden path that goes into the water.
(verb) to park your boat.
She want to do that again at this weekend – she wants to do that again on this weekend.
Meal prep: when you cook everything in advance for the week.
Grapes (grayps)
Raw carrots/carrot sticks
Carrots: long orange vegetable, with green stem.
Cucumber: long green vegetable with seeds inside.
Celery: u shaped vegetable that grows in bunches.
Purple cabbage: a purple vegetable that is similar to lettuce.
Negative calorie: burns more calories to eat it than the food has in it.
Inflammation: swelling or pain due to any number of things. 炎症
Anti-inflammatory: it prevents/ stops inflammation.
Eg. Advil is an anti-inflammatory drug, which helps with pain.
Bloated/bloating: retaining water/ holding water in your body.
Meal prep
My wife found a diet meal recipe online, and again, I admire her strong execution power, doing what she wants to do immediately. She made me cook four-day diet meals with her. Including shopping, we spent over 3 hours on meal prep. These food is good for our health and weight losing, and the meals tasted not bad, but I can’t be full with them, maybe being hungry after one or two hours.
Actually, I am the one who is aware that balanced and healthy food is critical to losing weight. I bought unprocessed rice, take away pork from our meals, eat vegetables, sea food and beef. However, I didn’t keep it up, starting junk food again. I hope we can make success at this time and losing our weight through the healthy food. But If it doesn’t work, I will never cook and eat the “health meals” again.
Meal prep
My wife found a diet meal recipe online, and again, I admire her strong execution power, doing what she wants to do immediately. She made me cook four-days of diet meals with her. Including shopping, we spent over 3 hours on meal prep. These foods are good for our health and losing weight, and the meals tasted not bad, but I can’t get full with them, maybe I will be hungry after one or two hours.
Actually, between us I was the first one who was aware that balanced and healthy food is critical to losing weight. I bought unprocessed rice, and take away pork for our meals. Ate vegetables, sea food and beef. However, I didn’t keep it up, and started eating junk food again. I hope we can be successful this time and lose our weight through the healthy food. But If it doesn’t work, I will never cook and eat the “health meals” again.
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