Open F2F Class notes 1st July (Eddie)
I haven’t seen you in a month of Mondays. = I haven’t you in a very long time.
scavenger hunt = a challenge, or race which involves finding a range of items hidden in various locations
fair and square = without using any tricks or shortcuts, or other illegal methods
there are some money – there is some money
write – wrote – written
exciting / excited
tiring / tired
I had a very busy day today. I was busy to find the 3 cards to win a gift, and I went several floors to search each potential place. I got green ones and red ones, but I couldn’t find the blue ones, which I heard that was the hardest card. Anyway, I found someone had the blue one, and I persuaded him to give the blue one. See, social skills is really important. In turn, I gave a box of cookies for him. finally, I got the gift, a small transportation card. Win-win, happy ending!
I had a very busy day today. I was busy finding 3 cards to win a gift, and I went up and down several floors to search each potential place. I found green ones and red ones, but I couldn’t find blue ones, which I heard were the hardest to find. However, I did find someone who had a blue one, and I persuaded him to give it to me so it wouldn’t go to waste ((in exchange for), which I later thanked him for by giving him a box of chocolates). See, social skills are really important. Finally, I got the gift, which was a small transportation card. Win-win, happy ending!
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