Open F2F Class Notes 1st Aug (Harmony)

Too less people in a very large land – not very many people, in a very large land. 

One of is French and one is of English – one is French and the other is English. 


Maple leaf:  a leaf from a maple tree.

Maple syrup:  tree sap (comes out of the tree), similar to honey.  Sweet and we put it onto breakfast foods.  (like pancakes). 

Syrup:  a liquid that is edible. 


Fun adventure:  a good experience/ a good trip.

Caribbean:  the area in the Caribbean ocean.


It hits me hard = it affects me more

Raw:  not cooked.

Would mind my opening the window?
It matters to me.
Occur How do I use the word?
Have mastery over
Claim to do sth Is it right?

Would you mind opening the window?
It matters to me.
Occur How do I use the word?
Have mastery over
Claim to do sth Is it right?


A: It doesn’t matter if we break a window.
B: It matters to me.

Policeman: When did the accident occur, sir?
: When did the accident happen, sir?
: When did the accident take place, sir?

Driver:      I don’t know, I’m still dizzy.