Open F2F Class Notes 17th July (Peter)


(Original – corrected)

Many people names Wang – Many people are named Wang

One travellers – one traveller

Their luggages – their luggage

I didn’t make a good friendship with my colleagues – I never became good friends with my colleagues/I never formed strong bonds with my colleagues



Beard – 胡子

Stubborn – unbending or unwilling to change, 倔强

Syllable – the smallest part of a word

Ex. The word “tomorrow” has three syllables, and the word “today” only has two.

Bond – something that holds two things together

Coworker – a person you work with, a colleague

Aspect – factor, reason, side, etc, 一端

Arab – an Arabic person

Arabic – 阿拉伯, 阿拉伯语

Stingy – not wanting to spend money, 小气的

Arrogant – believing you are better than other people, 傲慢的


We don‘t use the plural form of the word luggage because it is an uncountable noun.



Beard (beerd)

Traveller (TRA-vill-urr)

Colleagues (CALL-eegz, be careful to not pronounce it as three syllables)

Aspect (ASS-pect)

Arabic (AIR-uh-bick)

Original: I have been working for 6 years. Time passes so quickly. Last year I resigned my job because I didn’t want to work here anymore. I used to work at two sections at the airport. At first section, my job is checking the travellers including their luggages and identity cards. At that time i was very young. I didn’t know how to talk to people well or find good ways to solve problems. My coworkers weren’t closed to me. O feel very lonely. The worse thing was the pay was bad and the job was very hard. I couldn’t find hope in this section. I wanted change a new environment.

Edited: I have been working for 6 years. Time passes so quickly. Last year, I resigned from my job because I didn’t want to work there anymore. I used to work in two departments at the airport. At the first department, my job was checking the travellers including their luggage and identity cards. At that time, I was very young and I didn’t know how to talk to people well or find good ways to solve problems. My coworkers weren’t close to me. I felt very lonely. The worst thing was the pay was bad and the job was very hard. I couldn’t find hope in this aspect. I wanted to change my work environment.