Open F2F Class Notes 16th December (Tanya)


Fireplace – “place for fire”

Chimney – a place connected to a fireplace through where the smoke escapes

Santa – the old man with the long white beard in a red and white suit

e.g. Santa gives gifts to kids who are good.

plausible – possible, likely to be true

e.g. Do you think it’s plausible that Santa goes through the chimney to delivery gifts to children?

Red packet – 红包

aspect – part of something

e.g. Sherry doesn’t really care anymore about the food aspect of Chinese New Year, but she does care about the family aspect.

all-you-can-eat – a system where you pay a fixed price and you can have unlimited food

e.g. Teppanyaki restaurants are usually all-you-can-eat.

sleeves – 袖å­

thermal underwear – clothes you wear under your normal clothes that will keep you extra warm

e.g. In winter, a lot of people wear thermals.


Same to me – Same for me


What have you been up to? – 你这几天在åšä»€ä¹ˆï¼Ÿ


chimney – chjim ney

adult – ah duhlt

Writing exercise


In China, we care more about some western festivals, like Valentine’s Day, Christmas and Thanksgivings, than before. If you forget that festivals are coming soon, the stores will remind you by putting discounts or by decorating their stores. Sometimes, I think that festivals in Asia are the reason that stores put discounts and let people celebrate with friends.


In China, we more care about some western festivals, like Valentine’s Day,Christmas Day and Thanksgivings Day and etc.. If you forget that festivals will come soon, the market stores will remain you by account or some special stuff. Sometimes, I think that festivals in Asian are reasons that let stores make accounts and make people do celebrities with friends