Open F2F Class Notes 14th March (Joseph)***
Next class go through writing and improve.
Job role – is basically what you need to do everyday in the job (e.g. My job role is to find the right employees for the company.)
Apply – to try and get something (e.g. In my job I have to handle hundreds of applicants applying for different job roles everyday.)
Writing exercise
I am so busy these days because I just changed my job. To be a headhunter is a very stressful job, our base pay is quiet low, so we must work hard and find the right person for the company, then we can get the commission. My colleagues are working over time everyday and that makes me so stressed. However, working under pressure is not really bad for me, because I’m lazy so stress makes me to be hard work and make more money.
I am so busy these days, because I just changed my job. To be a headhunter is a very stressful job, our base pay is quiet low so we must work hard and find the right person who is the company wants then we can get the commission and up to performance. So that my colleagues are working over time everyday and that makes me so stressful. But working under pressure is not really bad for me, because I’m lazy so stress makes me to be hard work and make more money.
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