Open F2F Class Notes 11th April (Cricket)


impulsive-not thinking before you do something

eg. Donald Trump can sometimes be impulsive.


eg. There is a lot of speculation around who is responsible for the terrorists attacks.

feminine- macho-machismo

spur of the moment– quickly think of a plan and do it

eg. My trip was spur of the moment.

US  calls it a hurricane and China calls it a Typhoon(cyclone)


He came to pick us up.

Writing exercise

Last week I was in Thailand. It was a very accidentally trip. It was raining every day and the objective it was have more skin color (no idea) and I lost my almost new mobile phone when I go up or go down to our scooter.
But even with these it was a great week. My boyfriend discovered and enjoyed my pasion, scuba diving. He was excited underwater and I was happy to see him like this.
I could see my sister and enjoy again the island that Gave me some of the best experiences of my life.


Last week I was in Thailand. It was a very bumpy trip. It was raining every day and my objective/goal was to get more tan.  I lost my brand new mobile phone when I got on and off  our scooter.
But even with these bump/hiccups it was a great week. My boyfriend discovered and enjoyed my passion, scuba diving. He was excited underwater and I was happy to see him like that.
I could see my sister and enjoy again the island that gave me some of the best experiences of my life.