Open F2F Class Notes 10th March (Joseph)


Ban – when something is not allowed {__something__ ban} (e.g. Shanghai recently introduced a smoking ban in public places.)

Second hand smoke – someone else’s cigarette smoke. (e.g. Second hand smoking is more bad for you than traditional smoking.)

Chain smoker – someone who smokes cigarette after cigarette. (e.g. My friend is a chain smoker, he always smokes one after the other.)

Writing exercise

Gossip/news for this week:
A bell in jing an temple fell on an ayi/ a maid, it was horrible but the good news is she’s alive.
The 8th of March was a day to celebrate women and there were so many discounts. Also, every women in China had a half day off.
I received one freelance proposition to find sponsors for a free book that will help new foreigners in Shanghai. The project is a collaboration with the French consulate. I’m not sure if I’m capable to do this work because will have to talk in English.
My brother and sister-in-law told me yesterday that they will come to shanghai in April.
Yesterday, i went to hotpot for a farewell party for some of my friends, i’m sad they left.

Gossip/news about this week:
The bell in jing an temple felt in ayi/ maid, it’s horrible but she’s alive.
March 8th was day to celebrate women so many discounts and every married women /won’t worked half day./ had half day off.
I have one proposition to work in freelance seems commercial for one book why help foreigners when arrived in shanghai. I need to found sponsors. It’s on collaboration with french consulate. I’m not sure to be capable to do this work because i need to talk in english.
My brother and sister-in-law told me yesterday, they will come to shanghai on april.
Yesterday, i went to hotpot for the farewell of friends, i’m sad they left.