Online Class Notes (Vicki)


MANDY: Shut the door. You idiot! Shut the door! You’re letting in the light.

BURTON: Mandy, what’s wrong? I thought we were going to watch ice skating and hold hands. Come on, your mom’s not home. It’ll be fun.

MANDY: You don’t understand. It’s too late. They’re going to find out. They’re all going to know.

BURTON: A lot of people enjoy ice skating, Mandy. It’s the most popular sport in the winter Olympics. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. What are all those boxes, Mandy? Are those Girl Scout cookies? Are those empty Girl Scout cookies? Aren’t you supposed to be selling them for your troop? Where did you get that kind of money to buy so many boxes, Mandy?

MANDY: I don’t have any money. My mother works at the aquarium store and when the economy is bad, no one has money to buy exotic fish. Listen to me. (Grabbing Burton:) Burton, you’re going to help me hide the evidence. You have to help me.

BURTON: I thought we were just going to hold hands and watch ice skating while your mom was out at Bingo. Our favorite male figure skater is on tonight.

MANDY: No one needs to find out, Burton. You’re going to help me.

BURTON: You don’t look so good, Mandy. Your eyes are wild. I haven’t seen you like this, well ever.

MANDY: Look we obviously have a problem here. They could take my badges away. I could be ousted. I could be excommunicated. I could be…killed.

BURTON: Did you eat all those cookies…yourself?

MANDY: Yes, Burton. I ate them all.

BURTON: But aren’t you sworn to only sell your cookies for good?

MANDY: I know the Girl Scout oath, Burton.

BURTON: Why did you do it? If they find out…oh crackers…this could be it for you. You don’t mess with the Girl Scouts of America.

MANDY: I know what’s at stake. Now I need your help. You have to help me hide the wrappers and boxes. My mother is going to be home from bingo any minute and we need to hide the evidence. We can bury them out by the septic tank.

BURTON: You ate them all?

MANDY: I ate them all, Burton.

(Burton turns away dramatically. His beautiful hair may flip as well. )

What? You can’t look at me anymore? You’re ashamed at my weakness?

BURTON: I would have given you money, Mandy. I have like 300 dollars from my modeling in a fixed term savings account. I don’t think I know you anymore. Why did you have to break your Girl Scout oath?

MANDY: I’m a terrible person. I can’t help it. I was weak. I came home from school and I had like the worst day ever. Everyone made fun of my new pants and my mom forgot to make dinner again. And I was waiting here alone for you to come over.

BURTON: We could have ordered a pizza. I have 300 dollars from my modeling.

MANDY: No, Burton, this is who I am. I ate the Thin Mints. All 17 boxes.

BURTON: You mean pre-sold boxes of Thin Mints!

MANDY: Yes. Pre-sold. Boxes belonging to neighbors, friends, members of my church group, my mom’s co-workers at The Friendly Fish Forum. All cookies that I had spent weeks selling. Stacks of boxes just waiting to be happily delivered by me. And now they will all be denied. My stomach hurts.

BURTON: You’re insane.

MANDY: I couldn’t stop.

BURTON: You have a problem.

MANDY: I know. It didn’t stop with the Thin Mints. Without a thought…without a tinge of regret, I moved to the Do-si-dos.

BURTON: I can’t hear any more. Stop!

MANDY: Then the Trefoils, the Tagalongs, and even the Carmel Delights. And I don’t even like the Carmel Delights.

BURTON: Saboteur! Someone must like the Carmel Delights if they had filled out the order sheets. You forgot your duty!

MANDY: No one likes the Carmel Delights.

BURTON: What about your cookie connection badge?

MANDY: I’m never going to get that cookie connection badge now. I’ve let down everyone. Everyone. Pepper. Rashida. Mad Dog. Toastito. Frankie. Miss Lick. My grandmother. The whole troop. I’m going to be the laughing stock of Consumption, New Jersey.

BURTON: You have to tell your mom. She’s the only one who can save you from the Girl Scouts.

MANDY: I can’t tell my mother. She would kill me. She hates gluttony. She hates when her customers overfeed the fish. She is going to kill me. I mean really kill this time. She’s got a temper, especially after bingo. 

BURTON: You don’t look so good.

MANDY: (Becoming hysterical:) I think I may have eaten a thousand dollars of crap this evening.


Girl Scout – a league of young girls selling cookies for charity
i.e. I was a Girl Scout when I was 12.

troop – team in army term
i.e. My Girl Scout troop is very united.

aquarium – a place where they sell fish
i.e. Let’s go to the aquarium and buy a gold fish.

exotic – special, unique, different
i.e. People are not allowed to have exotic animals as pets here.

bingo – a game that old people play
i.e. My grandparents love to play bingo.

figure skating – an ice sport where you skate and dance to music
i.e. I love watching figure skating.

badge – a symbol of loyalty or duty
i.e. Every policeman has a police badge.

oust – take out
i.e. She was ousted by her school. Now she has no school to go to.

excommunicate – exclude
i.e. He is excommunicated from our group. No one talks to him anymore.

swear – promise
i.e. I swear to listen to my teachers.

oath – official declare of duty
i.e. You have to take an oath before you become a doctor.

septic tank – underground tank that contains waste water
i.e. Don’t go near the septic tank, it’s dirty.

pre-sold – sold in advance
i.e. Those products are pre-sold to our loyal customers for a cheaper price.

tinge – a little bit
i.e. I don’t have a tinge bit of regret.

saboteur – a person who destroys things
i.e. She is such a saboteur who ruins everything she touches.

gluttony – overeating or overfeeding of food
i.e. Stop overfeeding the animals, this gluttony must stop.

temper – bad mood
i.e. She’s got a temper in the morning, don’t talk to her.

hysterical – dramatically sad or happy
i.e. You are being hysterical, it’s such a small thing.

at stake – risk
i.e. I know what’s at stake.