Online Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Speaking exercise

Many people come and go there everyday/ The government is not sure how many people are infected
The city has locked down all the communities

It is much worse than in February
The number of cases is larger than before and the market is hard to control. They don’t know how many people have got infected.
The community government staff are trying to visit every family one by one to ask if you have been to there.
all the schools have stopped again. some students got infected.

Maybe they have contact with other people who went to the market.

I feel like Beijing is like that as well before the situation got worse but suddenly the city was hit by the virus so I am worried about the situation in Shanghai.
If numbers rise the government will feel nervous as well.

I think I only stayed in Beijing till now this year only for no more than 1 month
I wanna stay with them but it is a hard choice. I got a way to go back to Beijing like drive or take train but I cannot go back to Shanghai to work then.

They take measures to control people who travel to Beijing during the last 14 days.
Now you have to be quarantined in the hotel if you went to Beijing.

I m a little negative on that, even we have a vaccine we still have to live with the virus but it won’t be so deadly. Like flu we have vaccine but it still a popular illness every winter.
every winter my children will be infected by the flu.


Many people come and go there everyday/ the market has a high traffic of people. / the flow of people going there is quite big.

The government is not sure how many people are infected

The city has locked down all the communities

It is much worse than in February

The number of cases is larger than before and the market is hard to control. / the number of cases exceeds what we had in February

They don’t know how many people were infected.

The community government staff is trying to visit every family one by one to ask if they have been to there / they try to contract trace all the people who were infected.
all the schools have stopped again/  closed temporarily / some students got infected.

Maybe they had contact/ were in contract with other people who went to the market.

I feel like Beijing was like that as well before the situation got worse but suddenly the city was hit by the virus so I am worried about the situation in Shanghai. / I am worried that Shanghai may follow
If numbers rise the government will feel nervous as well.

I think I only stayed in Beijing no more than 1 month until now this year

I wanna stay with them but it is a hard choice.
I got a way to go back to Beijing like drive or take a train but I wouldn’t be able to go back to Shanghai to work then.

They take measures to control people who travel to Beijing during the last 14 days.
Now you have to be quarantined in a hotel if you went to Beijing.


to exceed : be more than / greater than
The GDP of the US exceeds the GDP of China but that will probably change in the coming years.
the ROI on this investment exceeded our expectations

to match : be equal to
The ROI matched our expectation
It didn’t match our expectation (it was less than we expected)

to be inferior than : be less than
The ROI was inferior than our expectation

contact tracing (n) : figuring who met who and who could be infected
Contract tracing is important if we want to beat this virus

to mutate : : evolve / change
The virus mutated and it is now even more dangerous

mutation (n) : biological change
we see mutations in animals to adapt to the environment

famine (n) : extreme scarcity of food
there was a famine in China 50 years ago

obesity (n) : being too fat
obesity is an issue in the US

obese (adj)
Tom is 200kg, he is obese