Online Class Notes (Tibo)


Watch the video about NFTs and write about how it could fit into the meta verse.

Speaking exercise

this interview has 10k words to show what is the meta verse world and he told his employees Facebook wants to transfer from a social company to a meta verse company.

At present meta verse is just applied in game fields.
maybe they are research this thing for a long time, they make an acquisition to recruit new employees in this field like VR or pc expertise to invent some new technology or new methods to attain their goal.

Maybe it is related to an announcement from Biden. He wants the Facebook to depart some departments like Instagram and whatsapp

There is an international anti trust movement.

I think the Zucherburg fired this initiative with platform capability and openness
And the platform capability I think is an important factor for tech giants to enforce their monopoly

in past 20 years they continue to enforce their platform capacity to elevate their safeguard because the more strong platform capability the more they can control other elements in this eco system.

maybe it can to control every company or every other thing in this new world because the rules are grasped by them.
And the core tech is also under their control so that is why I said maybe Facebook wants to use new tech to monopolize the future.

he thinks his wife is deceived scammer.

Her husband called the police

everything related to it is very young.

To invest in it is a dangerous and bold behavior. All my friends persuade me not to invest in it in the past 3 years but I do something just depend on myself.
I will not impact by my friends too much.

if after some years maybe I will be more prudent about the new things.

some game companies always to add new tech in their product to show off their expertise in the tech world.
or use this tech as a highlight to show their capability

the meta verse will come true in the future and it is a very strong force to shift our present world.
Not just in the game field but also in the art field or internet field or the business world.
I have a little bit fearful about this thing but I am also inspired by the meta verse.
maybe it is unparalleled and the impact it brings to us may surpass the smartphone.

this interview has 10k words to show what the meta verse world is and he told his employees Facebook wants to transform from a social company to a meta verse company.

At present meta verse is just applied in game fields. / in the gaming industry
maybe they are researching this thing for a long time, they made an acquisition to recruit new employees in fields like VR or pc expertise to invent some new technologies or new methods to attain their goal.

Maybe it is related to an announcement from Biden. He wants Facebook to let go of  / dismantle some company / products like Instagram and whatsapp

There is an international anti-trust movement.

I think Zucherburg fired this initiation with platform capability and openness
And the platform capability I think is an important capability for tech giants to reinforce/cement  their monopoly

in past 20 years they continue to enforce their platform capacity to elevate their safeguard because the more strong platform capability the more they can control other elements in this eco system.

some companies their aim is to save their cost or to be more lazy about something.

a big IP can extend the lifespan of a game.
Honor of kings was released in 2015

he thought his wife was deceived by scammers.

Her husband called the police

everything is related to it being very young / being very immature.

To invest in it is a dangerous and bold behavior. All my friends persuaded me not to invest in it in the past 3 years but I just listen to myself / I am not easily influenced by others / I will not be affected too much

Maybe in a few years I will be more prudent about the new things / I will have less risk tolerance

some game companies always add new tech in their products to show off their expertise in the tech world.
or use this tech as a highlight to show their capability.

the meta verse will come true in the future and it is a very strong force to shift our present world. / it is something that will transform our whole world.

Not just in the game field but also in the art field or internet field or the business world.

I am a little bit fearful about this thing but I am also inspired by the meta verse.
maybe it is unparalleled and the impact it brings to us may surpass the smartphone.

game companies are willing to create many IPs and transform old IPs into new IPs


animal crossing (n) game by Nintendo
Animal crossing became popular during the pandemic

effect (n)
The effect on our life will be huge

affect (v)
The meta verse will affect our lives tremendously.

AAA games (n) big budget games
AAA games are more and more expensive to make

forecast (v/n) predict
we cannot forecast the future

risk tolerance (n) amount of risk you are willing to take
His risk tolerance is high

cement (n/v)水泥 / settle or establish firmly
We need to cement our position of leader

volatile (adj) can change a lot
cryptocurrencies are very volatile

grey legal area (n) something people are not so sure about legally
the crypto space is still a grey legal area


always do something
I always drink coffee in the morning