Online Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

The soldiers were walking and stopped and began the fight in a very orderly manner

I see battlefields in Chinese movies and they fight fearlessly / fiercely
it is not like what I saw in European movies.

they want to behave like a gentleman 

the battle , there were no mountains. -> the battles are on flat terrain  / are on plains
they fought on a plain
You just have to arrange the soldiers / the battalions  to make the best use of your troop / it is all about the positioning of the battalions

he was good at arrangin / planning / strategy  one day a man wanted to have a battle so he wanted to duel with him using horse so he ranked the horses into 3 groups.
upper/ lower / middle. The 2 teams should let out 1 horse each round. and the horses began to race against each other and if the team won two races it won the game so he put the lower horse first but then he put the middle horse and the upper horse so he won and in the last round as he put the middle horse against the lower one and he won the game. And that was arranging / strategic planning

compared with the past more young people are willing to join the army during their college years.
They can choose to serve for 2 years before they graduate
more young people are willing to be police officers and that has become of their dreams.

most people who have joined the army belong to the second group, they cannot find a job. / they found it hard to get a good job / they had professional difficulties
you still see many students are decide to serve in the army for 2 years.
1 reason is they are patriotic , they regard the job highly / they have a high opinion of the job


strategist (n) strategy expert
He was a strategist

battalion (n) unit / large group of soldiers
They moved 2 battalions to the front of the battle

statistic (n)统计数字
We use statistics when we plan things

strategy (n) plan of action
A good strategy wins the war

guard (n) : people guarding a place
the guard of Buckingham palace have a big hat

army (n) : soldiers / military
He decided to join the army

duel (n/v) a 1 on 1 fight
The decided to duel tomorrow