Online Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

My laptops has been almost 6 years so the battery is not good -> I’ve had my laptop for almost 6 years / I bought my laptop almost 6 years ago so now the battery depletes very quickly.
I usually keep them about 4-5 years.
This computer was my last job used , from the last company -> this computer was my work computer from my last company.

I think the phone is more convenient but phones cannot do some task.  / phones are convenient but they are not great if you need to type content.
The phone can just immediately look some paper or some emails. -> it is convenient because you can immediately read content on the go.

He just replied I agree and I disagree.
He needs to look at a lot of financial reports.
it is not convenient because the screen is so small.

I need to prove my value within 6 months.
Today I was adjusted my responsibilities from retail to being in charge of Douyin -> My boss asked me to focus on Douyin instead of what I was doing with retail / Now I moved to focus on Douyin.

I have a limited knowledge of Douyin. But I was good with T-mall.
I need to learn a lot from experts, I need to travel to other cities and visit companies to see how they use / how they leverage the Douyin algorithm.

If I am not a retailer I never use douyin.
Their algorithm can predict the user behavior and what they are interested in.

The key of the success is you can majk you expression more suitable for the user’s behavior -> you can adapt to the user’s behavior.
After just 5 or 6 videos they can catch your point / identify what you like and push videos that interest you.
People can just see what they want to see. It is a limited range.

The influencer power is lower than before, people are more rational / people have more awareness of the skills of the influencers.

Influencers can help their fans to choose better things.
If you want to buy electronic products it is very standard, you can see clear features so influencers cannot cheat fans and sell their products at a high price.

If they cannot get a large quantity they won’t get much of a profit.

If you launch a new product we can utilize influencer power to endorse the new product.
They need credibility and visibility.
Even at the end of the life cycle we won’t use influencers because it is more expensive than just going through the distributor.

We will invite them to endorse our product, to be brand ambassador.

Some consumers will watch a video and buy the product within douyin. sometimes they will compare the price and choose the cheapest platform.

in this decision journey, Douyin’s role is to change your mind before the sale.
The biggest revenue is ads.
We always launch new products on Douyin to touch new users and new target consumers.
We put the last generation product on PDD, most of those consumers want to get the cheapest price -> consumers on PDD are very price sensitive / for them price is the deciding factor so we push the last generation product with a discount to them.

It always can sell a lot of amount -> there are some products that we have been selling for 10 or 20 years / in our industry some products don’t change much and the other have quick technological advancements.

The tech in our product doesn’t improve very often

The key decision factor for gamers is that they want to win.
you want to be a king in the games you play.
They really want to improve their win rate.
Different games need different features.
shooting games require high speed, RPG games need a light mouse because people play longer.
They want to feel comfortable while playing.

they have longer play sessions

If you play a shooting game the play session is usually less than 30 mins.

The new generation has an integrated battery.

the mouse pad can recharge it.

New users tend to use the phone and other users use the PC. So it is an opportunity.
It is also a challenge because until now we don’t have any device to play on the phone.


Genshin Impact (n) game from Mihoyo

mouse pad (n) pad on which you use a mouse

charging dock (n) a place where you can put your device to charge
After the session you can put the mice on the charging dock

play session (n) how long one is playing
an RPG play session is usually 1-2h

champion (n) person who won

championship (n) competition

on the go (expression) while moving / traveling
Phones are convenient to answer messages on the go

to deplete (v) consume / use up
batteries deplete faster in winter

echo chamber (n) a place with a lot of echo / a bubble in which everyone thinks the same so you are never challenged
Douyin is dangerous because people live in an echo chamber

