Online Class Notes (Tibo)


Prepare a short intro of what you are working on this week

Today we focused on:

Speaking exercise

everyone gave a 10min presentation on their project.
Every time when I need to present I will write down everything. / I will prepare my speech.
It is better / he recovered a lot, he can go back to school now

I think I never had the chance to take a long flight.
The maximum time I spent on a plane was about 6h but usually I only take short flights.
So I do not have this kind of stress. / I do not get worried when I fly
If I have the choice I will prefer the train. / I usually tend to prefer the train when possible
I am the one who will prefer the train. -> I usually prefer the train / I tend to prefer the train
I think I also worry about the safety of the flight.
The take off and landing are risky.

Last time I took the train because I had enough time so I could stop in several cities and travel around.

a place which is safety for airdrops -> a safe place where you can do an airdrop. / a place where you can conduct an airdrop in a safe way.

In major cities we can combine the parcels so the cost will be cheaper / in major cities we can have economies of scale but for the last mile, if people live far from each other, the cost will be higher.

In the countryside now we only deliver the parcel to the town and they have to go there to get their parcel. -> Different companies may have their service center in the town and it functions as a drop zone and people can go there to claim their parcel.

When I was a kid there was an airdrop / I experienced an airdrop, they dropped some brochures and some food.
Sometimes we could find it in some mountains.

Sometimes the airdrops get carried to strange places
We were all curious about what they were airdropping.


brochure (n) simple document with some information
We have some brochure at our company booth for people who are interested in our products

economy of scale (n) when the more you do the cheaper it becomes
We want to have a large production to have economy of scale and make the end product cheaper.

safety (n)

safe (adj)

famine (n) situation in which people don’t find food to eat / 饥荒
Many people died due to the famine

therapy (n) a healing process to get better心理治疗  / 治疗
Tom was suffering from depression so he decided to go to therapy

to prompt (v) to lead to
The soaring price of food prompted people to try save money on entertainment

reactive (adj) reacting quickly / showing a reaction
You expect customer service to be very reactive



anxiety (n)

anxious (adj)

