Online Class Notes (Tibo)

Today we focused on:

Speaking exercise

it was nice but it was cold. It also snowed in some cities so we did not finish the whole trip because it snowed and the roads were not so good so we came back to my hometown / we were worried about driving due to snow so we turned back and spent time with the family.

They enjoyed the holiday, in the countryside they could light the firecrackers so they enjoyed it.
In cities it is banned.

Compared to the last 2 years most of people went out so it was crowded. / due to the pandemic not many people travelled in the last 2 years but this year everyone was eager to travel.

When we drove back to Shenzhen we assumed there would be traffic jams so we came back 2 days before the end of the holiday.
We still encountered traffic jams I think most people had the same plan as us. / most people thought the same way
We spent 4h in the highway / we were stuck for 4h and could not move so we exited the highway and booked a hotel to rest for the night.

For the driver it was too tiring.

we got 2 weeks for this holiday and we drove about 4,000 km.
Usually we drive for 4h a day and then we stay one city and have a city walk and then drive to the next city.

The next holiday is in May so we plan to finish our trip because we didn’t finish it this time.
In May it is hot so we won’t have problems with the snow.

We drove from Fujian to Jiangxi province.
The border of these two is a mountain so we drove through the tunnel then the weather was quite different when we got to Jiangxi.
Jiangxi was much colder. In Fujian it was sunny but when we arrived in Jiangxi it was raining.


to light (v) set something on fire
I need a lighter to light the cigarette

council (n) group taking decisions for a government entity
The council approved the project

to vibrate (v) 震动/颤动
my phone was muted because I was in a meeting but I noticed someone was calling when it vibrated

vibration (n)
I can feel the vibrations from the earthquake

to obstruct (v) to block
We decided to go back because we were worried about heavy snow obstructing the roads

obstruction (n)
Residents are worried about the sunlight obstruction

appreciation (n) price goes up
For a long time we saw the appreciation of houses every year

to appreciate (v) to go up in price
My house appreciated by 20% last year

to depreciate (v) to lose value / price go down
the real estate market depreciated last year.

depreciation (n) loss of value
Most people faced a 20% depreciation

devaluation (n) loss of value
due to the flood houses faced a devaluation







something is tiring

someone is tired