Online Class Notes (Tibo)

Today we focused on:

Speaking exercise

We plan to have a break hiking. / we plan to go hiking to relax.

There are mountains on the coast and we go to the beach.

We can go to the beach and kids like to play there.
In the summer maybe we go twice or three times a month. In winter we go there less, maybe once a month.

For my personal opinion / in my opinion that will be a problem for example if you got a high debt maybe it will affect your living quality. You will worry about getting under a lot of pressure. / the debt will bring a lot of stress.
In the past week I heard from the news a lot of big companies in SZ fired the employees / laid off some employees, if they got a high debt it is a tough time for them.  / I heard a lot of employees were laid off in SZ and those who have high debt will be under a lot of financial pressure.

If a company needs some debt to invest and bring more opportunities but I agree to control the budget.
-> If a company needs some debt to invest and bring more opportunities I believe it is ok, but I think it is important to control the budget. / A company needs some debt to invest and bring more opportunities but it is important to control the budget.
For example here we also make our budget at the beginning of each year and then we will stick to it.

I think it is a good plan, I also saw from the news China also has a similar technology / project for the space station.


space station (n) place in space where astronauts can live and do experiments
China has a big space station

to pose (v) stand in a specific way for a picture
Kelly is a famous model, she poses very well

pose (n) the way someone stands for a picture
The photographer wanted to have different poses during the photo shoot

brake (n) what is used to stop a car / bicycle
His work life is terrible , his style is all gas no brake
I pressed hard on the brakes when I saw a dog on the road.

subsidy (n)
There are subsidies for electric cars in China

subsidize (v)
The government subsidizes electric cars in China

public investment (n) when the government spends money on facilities and things for the population
This year the government spent 20% of the public investment on roads

Artificial Intelligence (AI)  (n)
AI is very popular now



