Online Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

We had a heated discussion talking about the MBTI

It changed, when I was younger I totally agreed but now I am more introverted.
When I had the test for the first time I was more extroverted.

As people get older they may become more introverted

Having more than 1 back up plan is not necessary / excessive


to stay calm (v) not get angry or agitated
I usually stay calm even under pressure

to calm down (v) relax after being stressed or angry
He went for a smoke to calm down

sentimental (adj) thinking about the past and one’s history / nostalgic
He didn’t want to throw away his old clothes because he quite sentimental.

confident (adj)
I am confident in myself

confidence (n)
I have confidence in myself

interpretation (n) when you image the message the original author / writer wanted to give / how you understand something
The interpretation of the smiling face depends based on your culture

to interpret (v)
He interpreted his message in a negative way

to be inclined to / to tend to / likely to
People are more inclined to buy when you give them a small discount

optimistic (adj) Thinking the future will usually get better
I am optimistic about the Moonswatch

pessimistic (adj) thinking the future will usually get worse
Tom is pessimistic about the future of that brand in China

chores (n) things you don’t like to do
I hired a house cleaner because I don’t like to do house chores

fascinated (adj) very curious about / very interested in
Tom is fascinated by ancient history

to second guess (v) have doubts about a decision / hesitate
I signed the work papers but I started to second guess myself during the week end.

be overwhelmed by : there is too much of something and you cannot handle it
I felt overwhelmed by sadness and started to cry
During the holiday we are a bit overwhelmed because half of the team is away.

controversial (adj) 有争议的
Tom usually have controversial opinions

thorough (adj) detail oriented , checking all the small details
Tom said he was very thorough when doing the car maintenance because he wanted to make sure the car was safe.
Watchmakers are very thorough