Online Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

We will launch our system next Monday so I am busy preparing materials and doing preparation work with IT. / making sure everything is ready with IT.

It is very complicated. there is some finance logic and there are budget managements and many processes. It is different from the previous system so you need to get them used to the new system. / you need to teach them how to use the new system.

We involved key users in the whole process. During this process a lot of people could not totally understand the system / were a bit confused. You prepare materials but they will not read them.

Our CFO required us to prepare the materials. We need to leave something for people to read / we need to leave something behind in case we leave/ I don’t have other task, after it goes live you need to face a lot of problems because they will ask a lot of question and may raise ideas for improvements.
Sometimes you need to reject their requirements but it is time consuming. / sometimes you need to turn them down
You need to explain a lot of things.

We have a smart robot / chat robot / chat bot and they can ask the questions directly but they need time to train the bot and for those easy processes the bot can be the help desk / replace the help desk but right now it is too complicated.

You need to collect questions from users and write answers. This time we will launch a very complicated process and it is step by step. You need to do a lot of judgement from the info -> you need to identify what the issue really is.

It is very complicated. For our last module it was easy but we had many users but we had to manage different stores. For this one it is only used in the office but it is very complex.

Most people can get used to the system easily 
For a new comer if you need to get used to Loreal system it will at least take you half a year and it will take you a year to understand how it works. It has a lot of functions and it is easy for the team to export reports. / the system is very powerful.

In China we have many special cases, they give customers 70% discount so you need to do manual adjustments and if you do that it will impact the rest. / the templates of the system do not reflect the situation in China so we often have to manually input data and it makes things much harder
From the global side they can apply the same logic preset in the system so it is easier.

For monthly closings we need to use the system and we use it for forecasts so we need  to work overtime for a week so it is too tiring and I didn’t find any meaning in it / it felt meaningless.

they can export the data with different dimensions but for employees it will be a tough thing. the more they can see the more you need to work on it.

They can always find someone who is interested in the company.

I chose to leave. / I decided to resign
For most people in foreign companies the reputation is very important.
I joined Adidas and it was a great start for me / It was a great stepping stone.
They know if you can be a management trainee you experienced many interviews and you had to do many key studies. It means you are excellent. / it proves you are a good candidate
Adidas has a good reputation on the industry they have a wide business scope  and they will think you can deal with complex things.
small companies are willing to give high salaries to candidates from big companies.
They want people from these companies to bring the processes.

For a young graduate it is important to choose a good company although it cannot give you a high pay. Small companies cannot give you those things.
After you worked for 10 years you can choose a small company to develop your team based on your experience.
They have a lot of risk / they are more risky / they may be impacted by economic fluctuations much more than big companies there are reorganization risks and the boss could fire you.
In big companies you would not get promoted but they won’t fire you.
For foreign owned companies the culture is good.

A lot of employees who worked for a long time don’t work very hard.
I want to work for a small company but it is important for me to get a feeling of safety.
I need a stable income. During the lockdown a lot of people were fired  / were furloughed.
For some companies you need to work hard but they can provide a high salary.
You can grow up quickly which can help you climb the ladder to a management level  / director level.

They will ask the job hunter which title the company can provide. Some care about titles more than salary. If they can be enough package it is ok -> if they give me a package which is good enough. / generous enough 

If you want to change your job with a higher package they will review your titles.
You will lose opportunities if the title is too low.

package is still a little more important than title / I still value the package slightly more than the title.

A lot of local companies can provide a higher salary but you need to work harder. It was a good thing because you really had the motivation to work. People had the same target and wanted to work together to achieve the target.
In big companies they just work for themselves.

It will take you at least 3 months to know how the company works.
People prefer stable employees. If you change jobs too frequently they will have concerns. / it will raise concerns
If you work for a foreign company for 3 or 4 years they will think you are stable.
A lot of people have concerns for the Loreal period. Many job hunters ask me if I am willing to change now and I think I should work for 2 or 3 years  / I should stay a little longer or people will think I am too jumpy.

If you don’t contact them for a while they may forget about you.

We have more opportunities and for mid level people it is not difficult to find a new job.
I found it was a little harder than before because when you have achieved/reached a certain level if you still want to get a good increase / salary raise it becomes harder and harder.

For director level it is even harder, they don’t need to do things but need to maintain relationships.


analyst (n) people doing an analysis
The analyst predicted the market would contract in Q3

analysis (n) document
I read the analysis yesterday

furlough (n) be on a suspension with or without salary
many employees were furloughed during the lockdown

to adapt (v) to change based on the situation
It shows you are able to adapt