Online Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

My account was frozen / my account was flagged.

I thought about this way but I don’t want to ask my friends. I tried a lot of methods and it didn’t work.
Now you know GPT cancelled a lot of accounts in Asia because the sign up rate is so high so maybe they think it wastes their resources.

My friend confirmed it / checked it and realized her account was cancelled.

She sent an email to dispute the decision / to appeal to the decision

They don’t have the data infrastructure.

Today is the first year China is opened so ideally we plan to go to HK.
It is between China and abroad and also we can go to HK to solve the problem for the bank / it is like a buffer zone between China and the rest of the world

you can turn on the app but when you log in it has pop up saying we don’t serve china anymore. Maybe we can go to HK. I forgot to cancel the bank account in London and now it sends me a lot of emails and I cannot use the VPN to access the app but I know it has monthly charges so it has been 5 years.

We set HK as our holiday destination however in these 2 days the room price is really high.
Hotels have no vacancy.

3rd tier city

In January she  started to show me an attitude , if I sleep late she kicks me to show she is angry and wants to sleep.
If we bring her to vet, she is kind and lays down. She gives a cute pose.

She is totally understand how people think -> she totally understands people.

she dislikes the game / the noise from the game.
she uses her back legs and her thigh muscles to kick you.

she stands upright and if 42 uses the same pose to fight she doesn’t have a chance / stand a chance to win so she uses her own way to kick her belly. / she finds other ways to show her strength
Then she runs away.

She is like an only child. I don’t believe I can hold/manage/handle a second cat well.
I thought about bringing a new cat home to accompany her but it is difficult she wants to control everything.


no vacancy (n) full
The hotel has no vacancy

tier (n): level
3rd tier city

atrophy (n) degradation
We observe brain atrophy

Siamese cat (n) 暹罗
She is a Siamese cat

bite mark (n)
She gave me a bite mark

vet / veterinarian (n) animal doctor
I took her to the vet

treatment (n) the way you behave with someone
They gave him a terrible treatment

to treat (v)
Our company treats us very well

to scale (v) change the side based on the needs
We need to scale our data infrastructure

appeal (n/v) ask for a second judgement
She appealed to the decision


