Online Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

It is the first time I abroad before the pandemic -> It was the first time I went since the pandemic.
I’m just experience this moment I think it is tired -> it was tiring / I felt tired

In China you can hire a caretaker.

stay for 2 weeks after that I feel be better for understanding  -> after 2 weeks I felt it was easier for me to understand / after 2 weeks I got used to their accent.

I am a blogger on the internet, I share my life and share some products.
XHS is a potential app. -> XHS has a lot of potential / the influencer industry has a lot potential / will continue to grow in the future

I can share something to other people.
This is a business model and it has become a research app. / people use XHS more and more in their purchase decision

You will find some bloggers to describe products in details for you.

Bloggers make money , you can promote brand in the videos.

You can charge them a marketing fee / or be paid on a comission basis

They can distinguish what kind of they are -> they can choose who they work with based on their niche

a blogger usually shares her makeup and make up companies will find her account to hire her to promote their brand.

it depends on how are you position your account -> it depends on how you position your account.

When I share my shopping products sometimes they will follow me to buy it.

That is why people like to create an account and attract more and more people to follow their account.
They can get more money it depends on the number of their followers. / follower count

I have 8k followers so my fee is 800. It is 10% of my follower count.

You can organize a livestream and choose brands that you like and sell them.
If they buy one you can get a comission based on the product price.
Maybe 10% comission

5 years ago, as long as you posted you would get followers . XHS was not so popular.

They gave them huge flow but now it is very competitive.

Different apps have different popular influencers.

XHS is very focused on shopping  / XHS is a shopping oriented app.

now they quit their full time job and focus on it.

it can help me to analysis the customer needs -> it can help me to analyze the customer needs.

I get comments from followers so I analyze it to explore what they want.

That’s why XHS has a lot of potential.

To do a video and to edit a video and thinking about the content.
just use one phone I can do everything -> you can do everything on your phone
The technology barrier is low.

At first I planned 2 videos a week but I spent a lot of time  / it was too time consuming so recently I just do 1 a week.
That is why people quit to do it full time.

I want to keep my followers / I don’t want to lose followers.
maybe when I open a store I can use it to promote it.

I just want to give me more opportunities -> I just want to open more opportunities for myself.


time consuming : taking a lot of time
Creating content is really time consuming

niche (n) specific market
Back in the 1990s Apple was a niche company focused on creative people

barrier (n)  fence / what stops you
The barrier to entry is low

analysis (n)
We made a SWOT analysis

analyze (v)
We analyzed the data

purchase decision (n) the way people choose to buy
Influencers are more and more important in the purchase decision

competitive (adj)
XHS is very competitive now

competition (n)
The competition is fierce

babysitter (n) someone helping you take care of a kid (usually short time)
We hired a baby sitter and decided to go to the movies tonight

comission (n) : % paid on sales / kickback
they pay a 5% comission when people use this link


money (no s)


contact (people you know)