Online Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

it makes me feel safe and makes me happy. / it makes me feel safe & happy.

I think this year I am prepared to do something for myself to recover everything back

The last time I used the VPN to pay for something and it said it is not a safe environment. / last time I tried and I had a pop up message telling me to be careful

Frankly speaking I didn’t try GPT4 but I tried chat GPT but it is totally smart compared to AI assistants but it is far away from the thing I expect. / … it is much smarter than AI assistants/voice assistants but it doesn’t match my expectations yet .

Do you think the tree is the user or not? -> do you think a tree can be a user?

they hope the students jump out the human and think about the planet. -> they hope students can think further than their human nature 

it is difficult when you hear this firstly -> it is difficult when I first heard about it.

the connection is not stable / the

5 km far away from hongqiao airport -> It is 5km away from hongqiao airport 

there is no delicious delivery food so you need to buy groceries weekly and prepare food.
you need to process the food -> you need to cook. / prepare the ingredients

it is more slower than the city. -> the pace is slower than in the city

I need to take 20mins taxi and then transfer to the subway and then to the city center but if you know driving maybe it is 35m. / it takes me 20 min by taxi and then  I have to take the subway but if I drive maybe it only takes 35m

I had to make a sharp turn and I failed.
On the real road

I got the license on Dec 26 and 1 day before I met Jala and we had lunch and we celebrated Christmas and 2 days later I felt a little warmer than usual.

I sent a message to my colleagues and said maybe I am not good. / maybe I got sick
Then maybe at 4pm in the afternoon, I had a fever  , dizziness

on the 4th day I felt so fresh / I felt I had recovered then I went to take a shower and then I had a fever again.

Your body may be exhausted


natural (adj)
I only use natural product

nature (n)
We need to protect nature

a walk  (n) a path for you to walk on
There is a great walk on the Xuhui riverside around the river.

harbor (n) place where boats can stops
I walked all the way to the harbor

to land (v) to arrive after a flight / when the flight touches the ground
I landed in Xiamen at 5pm

suburb (n) not city center
I live in the suburb

the recovery  (v) do something that makes you recover slower than normal
He delayed his recovery because he didn’t follow the advice of the doctor.

dizzy (adj)  when your head is turning
I felt dizzy

dizziness (n)

car sickness (n) when you feel uncomfortable during a car trip (usually as a  passenger)
We had to stop because she was car sick

humidifier (n) machine to control humidity in the air
I use a modifier

fever (n) body temperature too high
I had a fever

energy drink (n) redbull and other similar drinks
I had an energy drink because I was tired.

beverage (n) something to drink
I bought a beverage

intersection (n) road cross
I forgot to turn at the intersection

human centric (adj) based on people
We have a human centric UI

accuracy (n) precision
The accuracy of the sensor is not good enough

district (n)
I live in Qingpu district

monkey king (n)
We watched a movie about the monkey king



sweat (v/n)