Online Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

there are some communities which can have freedom -> some communities can open up / some communities can ease the lockdown

for my family we just change our lifestyle. We can spend time on Monday to Friday to do a lot of things online with my colleagues and then contact suppliers.

Then we just need to take care of ourselves, focus and have enough food or try to avoid the virus and then wait for the lockdown to end.

for our family when Puxi went into the lockdown we tried to go to supermarket and bought so much food and I easily get anxious so I try my best especially because the government said it is not just 4 days.
I tried to contact my neighbors who are working in a famous food factory.

He can help me to delivery some food directly.
The government also will prepare some food. Even if the food is not enough at least it can help me to have some supplies.

Our supplier also prepared some food before the Puxi into the lockdown -> before Puxi entered the lockdown.

I also can try to buy something online. But the delivery time is really longer than before.

I really want to express my thanks to one of my colleagues.

Before the lockdown I asked her to go out from SH.
We didn’t know it would be in lockdown for a long time, we just wanted to solve some problems with our orders.
Fortunately she helped me solve so many things about our orders between suppliers and customers.

You can try to imagine when SH entered the lockdown some orders couldn’t follow our plans and no one could go to the factory to try to find some ways to change it. That was terrible.

For me this colleague can help me because he wasn’t in the lock down.

So many people will feel angry, they are impatient

Chinese people are willing to follow the government’s arrangement but in this case there was no management. / it was mismanaged

If an older man gets seriously sick and needs to go to the hospital to get some medicine the hospital just said no way you need to get tested negative and then you can go in the hospital. / the hospitals refused patient who couldn’t provide a negative covid test.

Some said even if you get the test results you are still not going to the hospital.

We are middle aged people. This age is difficult. We have some elderly we need to take care of and we need to focus on the kids.
We also need to think about our job. Those things will limit us to change something like live place or country. / like where we live
He asked if I had plans to emigrate.

I said yes before I didn’t have any plans but now I have some
Kids can get knowledge online.

One of them is living in Australia and another one in the UK.

When covid started in 2020 he just took care of himself and he was only 20 and he tried to avoid the virus and also needed to finish his studies.

He said several years ago his son talked to him and asked him if one day I decided to live in the UK what did you think -> What would you think?

Several days ago he said if you can find opportunities maybe you can try to live there.

I would stand in front of the customer and try to solve the problem but look at all the channels. There is no leader / there is no clear leadership.


to mismanage (v) to manage poorly
The lockdown was mismanaged

to overwork (v) work too much/hard
People should work hard but shouldn’t overwork

impatient (adj) not patient
Kids are often impatient

strict (adj) 严厉的
My boss is very strict

reverence (n) 敬畏心 / high respect
We need to show reverence to our parents


