Online Class Notes (Tibo)

Next Class Focus

– ought to and should

Speaking exercise

It is a Wii game, It can help you to connect / it enables you to play with your friends online. / it has a collaborative play mode for you to have fun with your friends.

I can follow some simple dialogs / thread

Weibo is the Chinese version of twitter. / is the Chinese equivalent 

It has inner research function in your personal page.
It collects info from people you follow.

If you are the first time user , the day maybe it newly launched. -> if you are among the first users  / if you started using it when it launched 

If you are the first user among the Weibo -> if you are among the first users of weibo 

They were innovative , open minded

It is like a big place that is so loud, it is difficult to find someone you may be interested in.
All the people I followed are from the beginning of weibo. If I follow too many (people) it overload my concentration.

I think I am so naive -> I was too naive.

I have not confident to be sure I am totally understand this language -> I am not confident to say I totally understand this language.

You get used to it / it becomes a habit.

I really hope in the future I can continue.

I was gonna finish my driving license … but due to the pandemic my driving license stopped.



open minded


Thread (n) several messages one after the other on a similar topic
Tom wrote a thread on twitter about design 

Among : in this group / amid / in the middle of
Among all my friends, Tom is the one I trust the most
The iPhone 4 was the best iPhone in terms of design among all the models 


gonna, wanna and gotta 

Gonna = (casual) going to
I’m gonna play Wii games this afternoon

Wanna = (casual) want to
I wanna buy this new game

Gotta = (casual) got to (obligation)
I gotta study for my test 

Grammar and Syntax

Grammar (all the rules on how to build a sentence and change words within it) 

He likes to play tennis 

Syntax : rules on how to build sentences   / position of each element in a sentence (included in grammar)
the basic syntax is : subject , verb , object.


1. She married the prince and they lived happily ever after.
Ever after : in perpetuity / forever (especially written in stories/fairytales)
They lived happily ever after.

  2. Why ever did you agree? -> why did you ever agree? (Ever = even) -> you were stupid to agree, why did you do that? (You don’t understand)

Tom loves sports, he is very athletic and he even won several medals

Why did you agree? 

Why did you even agree? -> most people would have said no, why did you say yes?

Why did you even help him, he always did bad things to you.

  3. Nothing ever happens here.  = nothing happens most of the time / from as far as I can remember and until now nothing happens 

You use ever to ask if one did something in all of one’s life up to now: 
Have you ever been to Japan? = from birth to now did you go to Japan?  / has it happened even once?

Have you ever been to Japan?
I went to Japan in 2010 / I have never been to Japan.