Online Class Notes (Tibo)


restaurant week for foodies :

Speaking exercise

They have some quota so she invited me to go there

Now I am used to covid -> I got used to the covid world / the covid situation

I just returned to Sephora

I went to the hair dresser 

Now after covid she found there is not much increase on her salary / her salary didn’t increase much.

At that time I could have a good lunch for around CNY50 and there you should pay 70 for a lunch set.

you can buy a elema member -> membership card
if you become a member for a quarter you only pay CNY7 for 3 months and you can get coupons and you can upgrade it ….

once your order reaches a certain amount they give you a discount.

Last week I went to a restaurant and I was really happy because the service is so good -> was so good

my son was eating chicken feet, the waiter gave us a bottle of hand wash / hand sanitizer 

after the set he wanted to have dessert and she asked is it for adults or baby you feel the service is good.

they are very considerate, they will only come if you need them.
He said service is something nothing can replace so maybe they don;t need as many waitresses as now but if you can do well

I tried a restaurant that is famous but the famous one was not good
It is cantonese food.

my husband was a fan of ippudo at that time.
I will never go there anymore I feel the food quality dropped a lot.
I don’t know wether it is because I ate there too many times . -> it isn’t as good as I remembered it.
it attracts me to try different locations

at first they think it is a symbol. A lot of people have 1 cup everyday.
Now people see so many brands and the hottest one is manner.

If the team orders it I never order one.
If we have a celebration I will have one.

He always buys soda or energy drinks 

The doctor advises to drink an energy drink
He brought it to the delivery room

When he reviews he will drink energy drinks

if I drink milk tea my heart beats very fast / my heartbeat increases.

I never order americano / black coffee

Everyday I force him to have one.


yoke (n) yellow part of the egg
He hates the yoke

cholesterol (n) 胆固醇
He remnoves the yoke because he has cholesterol

poached egg 水波蛋

scrambled egg 炒蛋

fried egg荷包蛋

boiled eggs 白煮蛋

steamed eggs (n) 蒸蛋

americano (n) 美式
I ordered an americano

delivery room (n)
The doctor brought me to the delivery room

metabolism (n) 新陈代谢
Tom has a very fast metabolism

energy drink (n) like red bull
He likes energy drinks

frappucino (n) 星冰乐
I order a frappucino in summer

pastry (n) 油酥面团 /油酥糕点
I love to eat pastry

pastry shop (n)
I love this pastry shop

store limited products / store exclusive products

to sanitize (v) 使卫生 clean and kill bacteria
They sanitize the subway everyday because of Covid

sanitizer (n)
I use hand sanitizer before eating

caffeine (n) 咖啡因

bib (n) 围兜

hair dresser (n)  people working in a hair salon
My hair dresser is very stylish

hair salon (n) place you go to to get a hair cut…
I went to the hair salon

bald (adj) without hair
Tom is bald