Online Class Notes (Stephanie)


comfortable /ˈkəmftərb(ə)l/

apartment /əˈpartmənt/

style /staīl/

Speaking exercise

  1. they back home

they go back home

2. my ex-husband want to go there

my ex-husband wants/wanted to go there

3. start to painting

start to paint  or start painting

(start to do …/start doing…)


bright (adj.): 

  1. giving out or reflecting a lot of light; shining

e.g. I have problems seeing things when the sun is bright.

2. (of a person, idea, or remark) intelligent and quick-witted

e.g. A bright young journalist 

       A suggestion box for bright ideas.

agency (n.): A business or organization established to provide a particular service, typically one that involves organizing transactions between two other parties.

e.g. An advertising agency 

preference (n.): A greater liking for one alternative over another or others.

e.g. My musical preferences are blues and reggaeton.