Online Class Notes (Samara)[S]


review your vocabulary, write your opinion on Chinese nationalism.

Needs more review

Foodstuffs – a formal word that includes not only food (things that you can eat directly) but also things you can use to make food, usually used in the context of trade
e.g. A banana is a food because you can just peel it and eat it.
e.g. Flour is not a food really, because you can’t eat it without doing something else first (making bread, maybe).
Counterpart – someone who has the same position as you but in a different group
e.g. The two companies sent their counterparts from the legal department to talk about the contract (each company sent a person in a similar position to talk, like their head lawyers).
e.g. Xi Jinping and Donald Trump are counterparts because they are both Presidents, but of different countries.


An ex-UK prime minister, Gordon Brown said the UK is in danger. He warned of economic disaster when the UK leaves the European Union, especially if the UK leaves without a deal. He said this is because many people in the UK want independence for their country. He said the UK is no longer a united kingdom.
The UK is four countries – the three nations of Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and Northern Ireland. Most people in Scotland want to stay in the EU. There are now talks of Scottish independence. People are also talking about a possible reunited Ireland. Brown said: “Nationalism is now driving British politics.”


prime minister:首相
There are many prime ministers in the past, int he UK.
Nationalism:民族主义, how much you love your country.
The nationalism in China, they want to become more better.
Driving: leading /强大的力量
I want to be healthy, so it drives me to go to the gym. 
European Union
The European Union is made of many European countries.

Speaking exercise

We have history for more than 50 years so you can see very exciting history stories. Like, do you know Ming Dynasty? they are serious on focus about this Dynasty. I read one of series of them in my university. What happens’ in the Ming Dynasty. The book is written by a very interesting language. for example, one Emperor, he like to wood working, he did not like being emperor he like to be a wood worker.

We have history for more than 50 years so you can learn very exciting history stories. Like, do you know Ming Dynasty? They are serious on focus about this Dynasty. I read one of series of them in my university. The name of the books is “What happens’ in the Ming Dynasty?”. The book is written in a very interesting language. for example, one Emperor, he like to wood working, he did not like being emperor he like to be a wood worker.