Online Class Notes (Sam)


I assigned him to the general manager position
I selected him for the general manager position

It takes a lot of time = It is very time-consuming

micromanage (verb) = to manage too much / to focus too much on the small details
eg. I have a tendency to micromanage some areas of my business

I can try to touch them
*get in touch with them
*make contact with them

he has integrity = his character is strong

ethical / moral  (adjectives) = do the right thing (not a bad person)
eg. he is a very ethical worker

vested interest = you will gain if the company gains, and you will lose if the company loses
eg. you want them to have a vested interest in the company

I wanted to expose her to the office environment = put her in the environment to experience it (no guidance/direction/etc)


I have 2 offices. One of the office is ….
*one of the offices