Online Class Notes (Sam)


increase the volume / turn it up / turn the volume up / turn the sound up

it is the most expensive of them all  / out of all of them

1/10 = “one out of ten”

/ = out of

Writing exercise

yesterday, my classmate of the middle school invited us to go to a restaurant where can eat dinner ,
singing and play ma jang or poka, there were other mate’s family gathering together
we had more than 20 years relationship between each other, when we were childhood we living same area
learning same school, even when we become adult, and had our own family, we still live very close

yesterday, one of my middle school friends invited us to go to a restaurant with his family and
2 other families where we can eat dinner, sing, and play majong and poker. We have been friends for
more than 20 years. We lived in the same area and went to the same school when we were children, and
when we became adults and had our own families, we still lived very close (and we still do).

I like cafes where there is an outdoor table.
I went to a restaurant where I played poker and majong.

A) I went to the middle school
B) …. which middle school did you go to? Did me and jason talk about a middle school in the past?

the _____ (familiar things / known things between both parties)

it was nice talking to you
(it was nice talking to) you too

have a good weekend
you (have a good weekend) too