Online Class Notes (Sam)


reheatable meal / microwavable meal / instant meal = a meal you can cook very quickly (with water/microwave/etc)
eg. cup ramen

dehydrated meal = a meal with all the water removed (customer adds water to eat)
water = H2O (hydrogen and oxygen)
hydrate = add water
dehydrate = remove water

the tax office can freeze your assets/bank account = restrict access so you can’t use them

the damage has been done = can’t change the past


“sixty square meters”


i am a primary person in buddism

/ i’m quite new to buddism

2 months ago (past) < > in 2 months (future)

after/later = after EVENT/DATE / later than EVENT/DATE
eg. I arrived at the cafe 5 minutes after you
eg. I arrived at the cafe 5 minutes later than you