Online Class Notes (Sam)


i heat it up in the microwave

runny nose = nose water coming out of your nose (when sick)

self-isolate / quarantine = stay at home when sick

there is a lot of inequality in China = people are very different/separated

“from riches to rags” = from a high position to a low position (rich to poor)

rag = an old piece of material/clothing used for cleaning

increase his fortune  / improve his financial position

social circle= all the friends i have (they know each other)

cousin = auntie/uncle’s son or daughter

grave = the hole that we put dead bodies in
eg. you cant take your money to the grave

steamroll over everything = push ahead towards your goal but cause lots of damage around you (like a steamroller – a machine to make a road flat)

encourage (positive push, but a bit lighter)
push (negative push, very strong)