Online Class Notes (Sam)


callous = hard skin on hands/feet/body
callous (personality) = uncaring/unfeeling person
eg. he is a very callous person

acappella = singing without any music
eg. he sung the song acapella

my voice my vocal range is relatively narrow
vocal (adjective)
vocal range

get it over with = do something as quickly as possible to finish it soon
eg. i just try to get it over with as soon as possible.

do it at my own pace/speed/rhythm

i was busy with preparing preparations (noun) for the ….
i was busy preparing

novelty = newness

i take a day off during the week to compensate for the day i worked on the weekend
/ make up for 

colleague /  co-worker / workmate

youtube: “mogz sideswipe”


this week i pay paid more attention on the guitar practice
paid more attention to

when I landed in hong kong i felt a bit boring bored
i felt it was a bit boring

many people are interested in the art industry
(the is necessary because there are many industries, but you want to specify exactly which one)
(eg. “i went to THE big park” communicates that there are many parks, but only one big park.. this is the park you went to! the big one!)

i’ve heard of it a lot
i have heard  (the song/the word)
i have heard of/about  (the idea/the place/etc)

discuss about the topic with them
discuss the topic with them



rent a suite