Online Class Notes (sam)


mannerism = someone’s way of speaking/acting/moving

wear the pants =  is the leader (strongest person)
eg. shanghainese women often wear the pants in their relationships

pocket money / allowance = money which allows you to have freedom/independence
eg. I give my daughter an allowance every week

for a fresh person / freshman / an inexperienced worker / someone who has only just joined the industry

i was given a salary increasement / i was given a raise 

raise (verb) = to lift higher
rise (verb) = to go higher

i wanted a fresh start = completely reset to zero
eg. I moved to Hong Kong for a fresh start

creative outlet = something creative that you do to release your ideas/creativity

my mobile is going to out of battery
my mobile/battery is going to die
my mobile is going to run out of battery/power

can you explain it in simple terms / layman’s terms

layman / layperson = non-expert

put your spin on something = you copy someone, but make small changes to it to make it new/fresh/different
eg. I try to put my own spin on other people’s ideas