Online Class Notes (Sam)


fluctuate (verb) = often change / go up and down
eg. my fever is fluctuating a lot

I want to emphasise / I want to stress

immune system = your body’s natural protection

eat medicine
take medicine / have medicine

my voice sounds nasally (because I am sick) = your nose is blocked & changes the sound of your voice
nasal = nose

mucous / snot = the stuff in your nose

my nose is blocked / stuffy = difficult to breathe through your nose
eg. I have a blocked nose

Saturated = too many sellers in a market (the market is full)
eg. the kitkat market is saturated

its a control for person
covid is mild  < > severe

covid is under control = not spreading too much (in a country/city)

numb = no feeling / reduce feeling

obvious = very clear / easy to notice


I only ate twice medicine
I only ate medicine twice
I only took medicine twice


“encourage” / “en-ka-rej”
