Online Class Notes (Sam)


we are 3 people  X
there were 3 of us from our office

Q. You didn’t give the presentation? = NEGATIVE question
A. No, I didnt (give the presentation) = thats correct, I didnt
A. No, I did (give the presentation) = that’s wrong, I did

analyze (verb) = “A-na-laiz”
analysis (noun) = “a-NA-la-sis”

nutritional = lots of vitamins/minerals (healthy)

placebo effect = your belief in something (usually drug/pill/medicine) makes it more effective

vitamin d deficient = not have enough

they have to exercise after HAVING/GIVING BIRTH a baby

it is a really popular problem

i ask him to borrow me some money 

i asked him to lend me some money
i asked him if I could borrow some money from him

refund = return money from PURCHASE
pay back = return money from LOAN/BORROW