Online Class Notes (Olivia)


scenario games

part-time jobs

time allocation

this has caused – this has led to …

trade off

free up the time

dilemma –

millionaire – Monopoly

died – dead

happen, take place, occur, realize

there is a lot on the plate:

opportunity cost is high.

out of character


prone to



speaking up

in hindsight

Speaking exercise

Do you see yourself as risk-seeking or risk-averse? and Why?

Risk-averse: need planning before making decisions

three year planning – make sure I can realize my target step by step –

when I want to switch jobs, I prefer to choose jobs with lower risks.

Real business impact – real responsibility, be prepared for all outcomes

What was the time that you wished you were a little bolder? 

conservative – risk averse – prone to

One incident during my previous job – secondary market analyst

job assignment was poor, limited my ability to provide a better outcome. I went to my leader to try to persuade her in giving me other assignments, but due to other considerations, my proposal was turned down.

I wished I was more persuasive/insistent

I could’ve been a win-win situation for me and my team

What was the most impulsive decision that you’ve made recently?

accessories – shopping

How do you think taking risks have benefited your life?

It is beneficial, cuz you can’t be ready for everything.

sometimes you are forced to take risks – fake it till you make it


focusing on

/ae/ & /e/ – The clearest difference is that /ae/ is spoken with a wider, more stretched mouth.

had, bat, bad, pad, tad, sat, sad/side, land, gas, axe, mat, tack, vat,

head, bed, bet, pet, ted, set, said, lent, guess, ex, met, tech, vet,

/ei/ & /ai/

eight, gate, taste, bait, fade, shade, trade, wage

aight, guide, twice, bite, fight, shite, tribe, wide

/eu/ & /au/

co, drone, honed, moan, poach

cow, drown, hound, mount, pouch


Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? /e//I//ai/

Betty Botter bought a bit of butter, but the butter Betty bought was bitter, so Betty bought a better butter, and the better butter Betty bought was better than the bitter butter Betty bought before. /e//o//^/

The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday./th/