Online Class Notes (Nick)


Interjection – “happy selling” this doesn’t need a subject because it’s not really serving as a part of a sentence, it just stands alone.


As per. . . – a noun should always follow this phrase

Respectively – to show that two pairs are in the order in which they are paired
X and Y are the parts that attach to G and F, respectively = X attaches to G and Y attaches to F.
The first grouping is a type, the second is a different type, and the “respectively” shows how the two types are paired with each other.

We have a quite big team – we have quite a big team


Look vs. Luke – These are both a “u” sound, but “Luke” is a rounded vowel (your lips are literally making an “o” shape)

Abroad vs. Aboard

Writing exercise

Editing of emails through Google Drive.

Very well done!