Online Class Notes (Nemo) [S]


olive oil (n):
a yellow or green oil, made by pressing olives

idea (n): a suggestion or plan for doing something
I’ve had an idea – why don’t we go to the coast?
“Let’s go swimming.” “That’s a good idea!”

menu (n): a list of the food that you can eat in a restaurant
The waiter brought the menu and the wine list.
What’s on the menu today?

order (v): a request to make, supply, or deliver food or goods
“Can I take your order now?” said the waiter.
I would like to place (= make) an order for a large pine table.

every week I go to the park two times
every time when I go to the park I stay for 3 hours.

Speaking exercise

One day, Mr Bean was at home with teddy and they were hungry. Mr Bean wanted to eat pizza. First MB ordered a pizza, but the pizza was very small. Then, Mr Bean made a pizza. His pizza was very delicious. MB had an idea, to make a pizza machine. Many people want Mr Bean pizza, so he made many pizzas and he made a lot of money.

One day, Mr Bean was at home with teddy and they were hungry. Mr Bean wanted to eat pizza. First MB ordered a pizza, but the pizza was very small. Then, Mr Bean made a pizza. His pizza was very delicious. MB had an idea, to make a pizza machine. Many people wanted Mr Bean‘s pizza, so he made many pizzas and he made a lot of money.