Online Class Notes (Nemo)

Speaking exercise

rest in peace 安息安息吧
when someone dies, we say 当有人去世时,我们说“RIP”

Today is very hot in Shanghai, so I have this fan-今天上海很热,所以我有这个风扇
And I am eating milk and bread

ant, bee, fly= Insects 蚂蚁、蜜蜂、苍蝇、猪。 昆虫

The tall bookcase has 9 shelves
The short one has 2 shelves

bumpy ROAD-崎岖不平的道路

round shaped and star shaped cookie-圆形和星形饼干

dark sky-阴暗的天空


They are surprised because the monkey took the boy’s hat 他们很惊讶,因为猴子拿走了男孩的帽子