Online Class Notes (Nemo)

What did you do before our class?

Before our class I ate some food

I ate milk and bread

I drank some milk and ate some bread

I had a bowl of milk and two slices of bread

Do you like to put sugar into your milk? 你喜欢在牛奶里加糖吗?

Yes, I like to ADD sugar to my milk!

ADD-加 put in

bowl-碗.  I would like a bowl of rice
slice-片 I would like a slice of bread/一片面包

I only ate one biscuit
I only had one biscuit because this biscuit is big

This biscuit is very sweet-甜的

Was this you dinner or this was your snack?


My favorite snack is french fries
her favorite snack is bread

a piece of bread/a slice of bread=一块面包/一片面包

a sip of milk=一小牛奶

a bite of bread=一口面包

What will you do after the class?
After the class I will eat dinner

I will eat fried rice

What will you do before bed?睡前你会做什么?

Before going to bed, I will brush my teeth, wash my face, and read a book. After that, I will go to sleep

My bed is very soft, smooth and comfortable, I like my bed very much

comfortable-/ˈkʌm.fɚ.t̬ə.bəl/ 舒服的