Online Class Notes (Nemo)


This is a box of coloring pencils, there are 24 coloring pencils in it.这是一盒彩色铅笔,里面有 24 支彩色铅笔When did you come home? 你什么时候回家的?

When did you come home? 你什么时候回家的?
We came home yesterday

how was the trip? 这次旅行怎么样?
The trip was very beautiful

What did you do for the Lantern Festival? 元宵节你做了什么?
For the lantern festival I played VR games

i’ll send you a video-我给你发个视频
I’ll send you a photo-我会给你发照片
I’ll send you a message later-我稍后会给你发消息

I played a VR game-我玩了一个VR游戏

ride (n): a machine in an amusement park that people travel in or are moved around by for entertainment
We went on all the rides.
My favourite ride is the Ferris wheel.

aunt (n): the sister of someone’s father or mother, or the wife of someone’s uncle or aunt
I have an aunt in Australia.
This is my Aunt Camille.
[ as form of address ] Do you want some tea, Aunt Alice?

My mother’s little sister
My mother’s younger sister

profile picture-头像